Personalized Pretty-ness - Pretty Real

Personalized Pretty-ness

2:57 PM

I guess I have Zulily on the brain.  If you're not aware of this site, it's a flash sale sight specializing in baby and kid stuff (though they often have womens clothes, intimates, and accessories as well). The deals are pretty good and the couple of times I've ordered from them, they've left me with no complaints (which I can't say about hautelook, but that's another story).  Today they have a $30 credit for $15 at Frecklebox.  Now we love personalized stuff, as we discussed here and here.  But usually I'm too cheap, as I discuss in nearly every post :) to buy the stuff, except perhaps for gifts.  Well this adorable little lunchbox which I'd never pay $30 for, would only be $15 with your zulilly purchase. Which I could totally live with.  If only Genevieve was 5!!  (oooh that means new baby would be 3 and I'd be done with diapers! OR it could mean I'd be pregnant again...this is a dangerous road to travel down so I'll stop here!) I think this would also make a great gift--unique and cute and something the parent probably wouldn't purchase on his/her own!  Go take a look see at both Zulily and Frecklebox--they have all sorts of personalized kid stuff--and let us know what you think!

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