So you know how obsessed I am with parties right?! And how I see one tiny little item in Target's $1 (or $3--don't even get me started) section and plan a party around it in my head? Well for awhile I've been collecting little toddler outfits and ensembles that could easily inspire entire parties...all with the intention of sharing them to inspire you! If you stopped by earlier this week, you saw my teaser of my latest post over on Live the Fancy Life doing just that. Today, I'm featuring one of my own parties as inspiration + supplies + an adorable outfit (or three) to match. Check it out:
Hey peeps. So. I'm sad to tell you my hard drive has to be replaced. I have been without my laptop for over a week. This must be what hell feels like. Argh. Well it could be worse. At least I back up all my files on a regular basis. Oh wait. I don't do that. I haven't backed up since before summer started. So yeah, I just might lose our entire summer pictured in thousands of photos. I'm not crying. Yet. There's still a chance. You prayed for good weather for Nadia's party and it came to please pray I don't lose EVERYTHING. And if I do, lesson learned: Back up regularly. The end.
My point in telling you all of that is to explain why, after Nadia's party, when I should be sharing party planning goodness with you, I've been eerily silent. Now you know I wasn't mad at you. I've borrowed my husband's laptop a few times this week to get some work for Tall Clothing Mall done and to complete a guest post over on Live the Fancy Life. I'm psyched about this post. It was an idea I've had for awhile but never took the time to execute. Expect to see a similar post on Taste{Full} this week.
Check out the full post here! I miss you! Hope to be back at it soon (new hard drive should arrive tomorrow). Ciao!
My point in telling you all of that is to explain why, after Nadia's party, when I should be sharing party planning goodness with you, I've been eerily silent. Now you know I wasn't mad at you. I've borrowed my husband's laptop a few times this week to get some work for Tall Clothing Mall done and to complete a guest post over on Live the Fancy Life. I'm psyched about this post. It was an idea I've had for awhile but never took the time to execute. Expect to see a similar post on Taste{Full} this week.
Check out the full post here! I miss you! Hope to be back at it soon (new hard drive should arrive tomorrow). Ciao!

I'm trying not to think of the fact that summer is...well over. That those lazy days of playing in the back yard and eating watermelon are over. Instead, I'm getting excited about apple picking, crisp cool weather (and apple crisp for that matter), football, chunky knit sweaters, and yummy warm meals. Mmmm. Yes. I'm feeling better about summer winding down already! The thing is, fall is a busier season for many of us. In my family it's Joe's professional activities picking up, more wedding photography (yay!), and Genevieve's dance. For many of you, September means the start of making time for homework and extra curricular activities. So how do you get a good meal on the table (you know--one that doesn't involve a take out menu) in a hurry? You want to provide good food for your family, or that new mama, or that potluck crowd right? Well here are my tips and tricks for making a quick and easy crowd pleasing casserole + a recipe to die for.