I was at a meeting at church recently and Halloween came up. We were discussing how to reach our neighbors and one of the attendees mentioned that I could bless, rather than boo my neighbors. You guys know what I'm talking about right- when you leave treats on your neighbors doorstep and a sign that say's "You've been boo'd!"? I always thought that seemed fun but have a complicated relationship with Halloween (more on that later) so never thought to participate. I thought maybe my church friend had seen a"you've been blessed" tag somewhere but alas, I couldn't find one. I decided to throw one together and naturally decided to share it here!
Hey Hey! If you've been reading Pretty Real for any length of time you know I love thrifting. As a kid, I used to go thrift stores with my mom and loved discovering unique finds or even just name brand clothing for pennies. There's something about thrifting that feels like a treasure hunt.