7 Affordable Toy Storage Options - Pretty Real

7 Affordable Toy Storage Options

9:00 AM

toy storage for small spaces
Last week I posted about our small space toy storage solution. Today, I'm following up with some additional affordable options plus my response to comments and questions on that post.

First, the option we use is the ikea trofast system. I received a few comments from boy mamas which make me think I should add that the bins come in a variety of colors. The last time I was at ikea there was red, green, black, pink, and clear. The frame also comes in birch wood.  I got the system after my sister-in-law purchased it for her son and loved it! It's definitely suitable for boys and girls.  A few other tips I should have added, if you go with the trofast.

ikea trofast
1- as kids get older, their toys tend to get smaller. I've seen that a bit with the girls. Instead of chunky fisher price toys, they have magic clip princess dolls (which they LOVE by the way) or little toys that go along with bigger toys. My goal with Christmas this year, since we have limited space, was to get small toys that go with things they already have both making them seem fresh and taking up limited space.

 2- some ideas for toys that fit into the smaller bins--toy cars, blocks, legos, and toy animals. art supplies would also work well.

3- buy a few extra bins when you travel to ikea. The closest ikea to us is just over an hour away so I don't want to drive all the way back for bins. While these bins are fairly sturdy they can get broken. If only Nadia would stop folding herself up to fit in the bins. Crazy kid. I bought a few smaller bins for to switch out when we get to that point.

Lastly I have two different configurations of the toy boxes, one of which has lasted very well since Genevieve was 2. They are very sturdy. I purchased the 2nd set last summer and each one had damage on one end when I opened the package. Sometimes the flat packs with no cushion just aren't feasible for such a heavy piece. Overall I'm happy with the system but thought I'd mention it.

So without further ado- 7 affordable book and toy storage options:
toy storage for small spaces

 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
(Many of these come in various colors and styles. Click the number for more information).
*affiliate links included.

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  1. I definitely needed this. My daughter has bins of toys that are overflowing - and she is only one. I'm definitely going to need a storage solution once we get into our new house!

    1. I hear you Zarina! It's a constant struggle for me to find a system that works well! Good luck and thanks for your comment!

