On Simplifying, De-Cluttering, and Refreshing the Girls' Room
9:31 AMThe answer to 1000 kid design questions is... de-clutter! The girls' room had been driving me a bit bananas and though they are tasked with making their beds and clearing the floor each day, things mysteriously end up under their beds, in their closet, under their dresser- basically, anywhere blank space exists! So I had one goal in mind with this refresh- it wasn't necessarily to make it prettier (though Target's new Opalhouse designed with Jungalow line pretty much took care of that!), as much as it was to create some breathing room and declutter. I'm no expert (if you saw my stories a couple of weeks ago, you know this!) but I have had a lot of practice and here are a few things I've noticed that help.
Hidden/Lidded Storage
This marble box serves the same purpose. Little baubles can go inside plus it makes such a statement.
Lastly, I adored their old hamper but it was thrifted and falling apart- because the old one felt special, I didn't want to swap it with a boring one- this beauty is perfect! Lidded, sturdy, and the perfect tone/texture for their room!
Pile Party
We've always tried to keep minimal toys in their room but there are still accessories, memories, stuffed animals, etc. When their room gets really messy, I make piles of like things for them to put away- books/papers, toys/stuffies, accessories, etc. It makes it a little less overwhelming but they're still accountable for their mess! When I do this, I point out to them how much time it takes to manage our belongings and encourage them to make a pile of "toss or donate" for anything they no longer want or use. I also help them rotate their books and we store some in a container under their bed.
Pretty Bedding (But Model It)!
The Deep Clean
Yes, my kids clean their room but if I don't go in and do a deep clean occasionally, things can quickly get out of hand. My goal is to de-clutter monthly but TBH sometimes it ends up being quarterly. I go through all those hidden spaces and toss the broken items and trash, get rid of things I'm sure they won't miss and can't fit, and make a little pile of things I choose to ask them about first. My advice here is to do it when they aren't home- it's not that you're being sneaky but your progress will be much more swift without them re-falling in love with every little thing that's been at the bottom of their closet for a month (or 6).
This closet looks full here but IRL there's a lot more room than there was- my son said "wow I can walk in here!" and it's not pretty but I'm including it anyway because it's real life. Eventually, we'll install a system but bins and baskets are tiding us over.It Gets Easier
Here's another thing I've noticed recently. Purging has gotten a little easier. They see me working to keep the house clean (fine, clean-ish) and they recognize that less stuff feels better. After I deep clean a room, they're like moths to a flame. Suddenly it's the place everyone wants to be. I verbalize it- "See how much better this feels guys?!' and they can't deny it. When it's time to declutter, it seems like each year they fight it less and are ok letting go of things. When items are in a condition to donate, I remind them that some child will get to enjoy it, rather than it sitting in their closet.
Make it Reflect Them
As much as I love a pretty room, if it doesn't reflect my kids' personalities it's not a win. While I generally take the lead, I get their input and use my judgment regarding things they like. For this refresh, I wanted art featuring a woman of color - but let me stop for a second and say how much it means to me to refresh my girls' room with beautiful decor designed by a woman of color. I showed my daughters Justina's book and pointed out her talent, business acumen, and the fact that she is biracial like them. It makes my heart happy to have role models in every industry that they can look up to! I chose the lovely ceramic frame to house fresh art and the two pair so well together. I love the texture and the unexpected pop of color (it's not pink!) the frame adds to their space.Fresh off the de-clutter-all-the-things phase I've been in, these are my takeaways. About 5 months ago I mentioned here that I was feeling the need to simplify and I'm glad I could do it in conjunction with these pretty finds from Target! Below, I've rounded up some of my other favorite Opalhouse designed with Jungalow items and included a few more real-life photos of the girls' room which shows how it's changed since the initial reveal! Hint- it's not as perfect. If I missed a tip, I'd love to hear yours in the comments or over on Instagram!
First, here are some of my favorite Jungalow + Opalhouse picks! (And you can find a couple of round-ups here and here too!)
And here are a few more photos of the girls' room:
Genevieve's "nest." No amount of de-cluttering can rid this corner of blankets and pillows. Homegirl needs her little hideout.