Geek Chic - Pretty Real

Geek Chic

12:03 PM

While watching America’s Next Top Model (is anyone else seriously annoyed by these short girls?!), Kim Kardashian mentioned the term “Geek Chic.” What an adorable term (albeit popularized by marketing geniuses who want to make pocket protectors cool) that describes an entire fashion subculture.  To that end, it inspired this post. These items are totally geeky yet uber chic-y (sorry, couldn’t resist making that rhyme). Enjoy!

I am obsessed with the sugar blogs…geeksugar is your one stop shop for all things technical and gadget-y.

Who says you have to sacrifice form for function? This adorable calculator also comes in green and orange.

Love these book jackets from book city jackets whose motto is “Make every book beautiful."

If Zoë Saldana can make Star Trek look this good, call me a trekkie. ;)

I used to have a pair of heavy, black, eyeglass frames in high school.  Why did I get rid of them again?!

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