Taste{FULL} Launches "Shop Our Closets!"
1:43 PM
Welcome to Taste{full} Shop Our Closets! Shop our Closets is basically a thrift sore online..but unlike regular thrift stores, our items will be mostly name brand, clean, and not have that icky smell. ;) This is a chance for you to get some cute, name brand (ok, Megan has name brand. I have Target and Old Navy) stuff for CHEAP.
This is new for us and may evolve...But the process for now will be for us to post pictures and other details of items we own that are for sale. We will most likely set a price or list it as "Best Offer." (as a side note, we will also put links to items we have on eBay which will either be "buy it now" or "auction" style items). Once you confirm that you are interested in a product on the site, you can e-mail the appropriate person to work out a payment arrangement (i.e. paypal) and shipping details. PLEASE feel free to email us at tiffandmeg@gmail.com with questions. And Enjoy!
This is new for us and may evolve...But the process for now will be for us to post pictures and other details of items we own that are for sale. We will most likely set a price or list it as "Best Offer." (as a side note, we will also put links to items we have on eBay which will either be "buy it now" or "auction" style items). Once you confirm that you are interested in a product on the site, you can e-mail the appropriate person to work out a payment arrangement (i.e. paypal) and shipping details. PLEASE feel free to email us at tiffandmeg@gmail.com with questions. And Enjoy!
Very neat idea...now if only we were ALL 5'10" and would look just as fabulous in your stylish clothes as you do/did!! :) I will keep my eyes open for something I love! :)
ReplyDeleteWell you may not be 5'10" but you can pull of shirts that cling to the midriff...I no longer can! ;) Hopefully you'll see something you love eventually!! Good to hear from you on here. ☺