Nadia Sophie is 4 plus FIVE Ways to Make a Birthday Feel Special - Pretty Real

Nadia Sophie is 4 plus FIVE Ways to Make a Birthday Feel Special

4:26 PM

Birthday Photo Idea
My little one is turning FOUR today.  Yesterday, she sat in the backseat with the cutest pout ever saying "I'm tired of being 3 1/2.  It's boring! I don't want to be the youngest."  How convenient that I could assure her that not only is she not the youngest but that she also didn't have to stand for being three one. more. day.  My little petulant Nadia. Today I'm sharing 6 ways I make her birthday feel special!

3 year old birthday photos

I know many a mother who has agreed with me that terrible twos are a thing of the past.  It's terrible threes these days (threenager anyone?).  But on the eve of her 4th birthday, it doesn't seem that it was so terrible.  Sure, Nadia is strong-willed.  But those big, deep, beautiful brown eyes are sort of what dreams are made of.  She's so sweet.  So charming. So thoughtful. So fun. So funny. So smart. So Brave.  So fierce. So feisty.  And if being strong-willed has anything to do with her charisma, spirit, and fun-loving self, I'll take it. I love this girl. And I'm going to miss her being three.
Birthday Shoot Ideas

Random things I don't want to forget:
She likes to play teenager mom.  (every mom's favorite game for her 3 and 5-year-old little girls), she likes to suck her thumb. She loves stuffed animals, she loves Dax, She loves Genevieve, she loves real animals, especially puppies, she's obsessed with Joe and in her mind, he "is the best [fill in the blank with any and every activity under the sun] EVER." She loves to snuggle mama. She loves to ask why.  She loves to climb, jump, and dance.  She loves Toy collector.  She is often content and easy and laid back like daddy (while Genevieve and I are little intense stress balls).  And she's so so sweet.  But before I get emotional, let's move on to the other part of this post- 5 ways to make your little one feel special on his or her birthday!

5 Ways to Make a Birthday Special:

birthday picture ideas

1. Take pictures. Rather than snapping one shot at cake time, take a few minutes to take a fun photo of your little one.  Kids often aren't interested in taking pictures but if you add balloons or candy, suddenly they perk right up!  When you tell them it's for their birthday it makes it even more special.  Add a couple of balloons or a big fun lollipop like this one, step outside into your backyard and it won't be hard to get a couple of great shots.
birthday outfit for a 4 year old

2. Balloons, balloons, and more balloons.  Remember this post?  Balloons are pretty, photogenic, and fun.  I cover their bedroom floor with balloons after they fall asleep and when they wake up they instantly feel special.  Bonus: Older kiddos might roll their eyes but I bet they'd secretly like it.  I mean, I'm pretty sure I'd love it if I woke up to a bunch of balloons on my birthday.
water balloons as a photography prop

3. Special breakfast. I give the girls confetti pancakes but if your little one is in school, just grab a doughnut with sprinkles or a special treat from the grocery store the night before to send them off happy and sugar-y. :)

4. Let them choose the dinner menu.  Tonight we're having mac and cheese because it's her favorite.  (I added a ham steak for me). :)

5. Special Outfit. Headbands, hats, "Birthday girl" tee, "Birthday boy" pin, special cape, the list goes on.  Every year I snap a few shots of them wearing their birthday headband.  This year I straightened Nadia's hair for the first time and boy did she feel special ("like a teenager" to be exact).

Bonus tip: hang streamers from their bedroom door when they're asleep. If you're an overachiever hang them from all the doorframes. ;)!

Be inspired friends! And Happy Birthday to my baby girl!

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