Getting Away Before Chemo. - Pretty Real

Getting Away Before Chemo.

1:37 PM

Can I be honest? I still hate the word Chemo.  Chemotherapy.  It was what I was believing against. I was all about supernatural healing.  Even though I've learned about all of the side effects, with everything they say "you never know."  "It affects each person differently." "He could have no side effects at all." Or my favorite, "You're young and strong and will withstand this like a rock star." Still scary but I'm clinging to the peace of God that passes all understanding.  I've promised God and myself that I will trust Him every step of the way. Even when I don't get it.  To that end, Joe starts chemo on April 1st.
My mother-in-law suggested we get away before it starts, which we were more than happy to do!  We ended up at Church Landing in Meredith, New Hampshire- a very nice Inn and spa. [I pulled out my camera to take a picture of the sign post and then said "Oh I'll do it later." I never did it later.  And how perfect would a picture of the sign post be right now? Moral of the story: Just take the picture]. It was a rainy, cool weekend but that was actually okay.  Had it been warm, we would've been running around but instead we really relaxed.  It was warm enough one morning to walk to breakfast which was nice.  Our last getaway was entirely too short and during a crazy snow storm so I wasn't about to complain.
I joked on instagram that Joe channeled his inner nannie (his mom) and picked a good 'ol diner for breakfast.  We had dinner, chatted, blogged (Joe), crafted (me), went to the movies, and rested.  It was wonderful.
random photo of a rug in the hotel that I wanted to roll up and smuggle out of there.  Joe wouldn't let me.
What? I'm eating for two. Best French toast ever.

We loved Mames. vintage stuff everywhere + great food + incredibly cozy atmosphere. 

Back at home the girls were having a phenomenal time with the grandmas.  At home with my mom they baked, watched movies, and had a makeup party.  At Joe's mom's, they played with new Frozen toys while watching the movie, had pizza, and played nurse to Bubba (who had a broken heart apparently). We're so blessed to get to go away to a wonderful inn (which was a gift to us!) and to have our girls so well taken care of!  I feel refreshed and ready to get on with it.

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  1. Lovely weekend! Glad you got this time with Joe. We'll be thinking of your family as Joe moves into this next phase of the journey. xoxo

  2. Hope all went well....going through similar times with my dad--be strong.

