My Favorite Devotionals for Kids, Just in Time for Easter!
8:00 AM
Let me start by saying we love to color eggs (as evidenced by this very thorough science experiment!) and we love a good egg hunt. And while my kids aren't known to love the Easter Bunny I have been known to try to force a photo. ;) But at its core, Easter is a time my family celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ. One way we honor the spiritual meaning is to add a devotional to their Easter basket. We have a decent collection- I didn't share them all here but wanted to share some of our faves. If I don't own one on the list below, a girlfriend suggested it! I've made notes by each one including age recommendations.
If Jesus Came to Visit Me. Under 5. For younger kids who can't read, this is a sweet story illustrating that what Jesus wants from us is our hearts. I literally teared up the first time I read it. It's beyond sweet! I linked it on amazon, but make sure to check out the used items for a better price. Or purchase here.
The Jesus Storybook Bible. All ages. I've raved about this for years. Every bible-believing parent needs this in her library! It even helps adults make sense of old testament stories that feel unrelated to the gospel as we know it. So so good you guys.
The Sweetest Story Bible. Girls, 4-8 years. A cute little bible geared toward little princesses. "40 carefully selected bible stories to show just how much God loves your little girl." This is another option for kids too little to read their own devotionals.
Princess Stories. 4-8 years. I'm a sucker for a pretty book and this one fits the bill. The title includes "Real Bible stories of God's Princesses." I love the illustrations and the "princess ponderings" that ask questions for comprehension or to start a discussion. ♥
Jesus Calling. 8-12 years. "As if Jesus is speaking to your child's heart..." I just ordered this for Nadia's Easter basket. I haven't read the kids' version but the adult version is so so good. There's also one specifically for boys and one for girls.
Notes from Jesus. 2-5 years. This is my recent FAVE! We got it for Nadia last Easter and it is just so sweet. It has a similar Jesus Calling vibe as if Jesus is chatting with the reader. I just love it. PS- the description says 2-5 years old but I didn't realize that when I bought it and Nadia loves (loved) it!
The Purpose Driven Life for Kids. 8-12 years. A girlfriend of mine suggested this one. I read the one for adults maybe 15 years ago and I remember it being very challenging (in a good way). Not to mention I have a lot of respect for Rick Warren. I've not purchased it yet but it's on my list!
Indescribable. 6-10 years. They had me at "God and science." ha. A girlfriend of mine shared this on Instagram and I bookmarked it nearly a year ago. I finally ordered it for Dax last week. After thumbing through it when it arrived, I realized it may be a little old for him but the girls will love it even if it doesn't keep Dax's attention (time will tell). I love that science only reiterates God's creation. In fact, most early scientists were Christians (Copernicus, Galileo, Pascal, Isaac Newton, Carl Linnaeus, Michael Faraday, etc) and their faith shaped their thinking.
I am a Mighty Young Man of God. 7-11 years. This is the only one I don't own nor was it a suggestion. But the list was 'girl heavy' so I found one that looked good. ha! We do have the Action Storybook Bible, however, and that one is a good one that boys can relate to (and my girls love it too!).
Brave Girls Faithful Friends Devotional. 7-10 years. Another great relatable devotional. This one includes a cast of girls sharing real-life experiences and how they deal with them with God as their source. It deals with real issues (divorced parents for instance) and the girls have a variety of personalities. Your daughter is sure to see herself in one of them!
I am Yours. 8-11 years. This is one a friend suggested. I love that its focus is on prayer as I find that can be harder to grasp than reading and applying scripture. The author passed away recently but left a legacy of love and truth through her books.
For Girls Like You! 8-11 years. At my friend's suggestion (and based on so many great reviews), this is the one I ultimately ordered. It focuses on teaching your daughter to see herself as God sees her, versus being influenced by what the world/culture might tell her is important.
Glimmer and Shine. 8-12 years. This is a rogue one that made the list. As my 10-year-old gets more into all things beautiful, the title and cover caught my attention. I love that it includes coloring pages and quizzes but this line really sold me: "Growing in faith, building up confidence, and trusting God even when we may not know where He is leading can be an adventure when His promises fill each moment." My girls are always up for an adventure; are yours?
I'd love to hear your suggestions!
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