Do Your School Supply Shopping in Minutes! - Pretty Real

Do Your School Supply Shopping in Minutes!

9:24 AM

Thank you Walmart for sponsoring this post. 

Back to school shopping used to be fun. Unlike when I was a kid, the lists now are very specific and do you say...boring. For example: "Red folder. Black Expo Dry Erase Markers. 3" White Binder." No Lisa Frank or Trapper Keepers (showing my age here) allowed. The pro of a very specific back to school supply list is that you can skip the store and have all of the school supplies delivered right to your doorstep- which is precisely what I did! I did 90% of my school supply shopping on, back in May but I almost wish I'd waited because the rollbacks are insane! This time of year can be expensive so I'm happy to save where I can and Walmart makes it easy. Here's how to do your back to school shopping in MINUTES plus my favorite supplies from Walmart at the end!

With store pick up or delivery (delivery is fee free when you have a Walmart+ membership!),  you can save so much time! The other great thing about shopping online is that you can import your school's list into the website. Genius. 

To find your school's list, click the "shop now" button (circled below)...

This screen will load. Add your zip code and school name to retrieve your list. 

How convenient is this?! Again, I shopped early but wish I hadn't. ha! And look at those roll backs. 

You can edit the list as you please. The example above includes a lunch box, backpack, and a few other items we didn't need. But what a time saver!

Here are a few of my favorite Walmart Back to School Supplies starting at $0.97!

If you like to save time (raises hand) and money (raises both hands) check out Walmart's back to school selection!

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