Easter Garb for Little Girls - Pretty Real

Easter Garb for Little Girls

10:15 AM

First of all I have to start by saying I know that Easter isn't about dresses, or Easter bunnies, or coloring eggs for that matter. Easter is about the resurrection of Jesus and all that means for us as a fallen people. BUT let's be honest...while the bunnies, and eggs, and especially the adorable little dresses don't necessarily add to the meaning of Easter, they certainly add to the fun of Easter. Call me crazy but I don't think Jesus minds that so much. Ok now that the disclaimer is complete...

This is my first Easter with a little bambina (last Easter I was pregnant with her, felt disgusting, and made the fatal error of wearing a belt around my bloated waist, but anyway...). Since Genevieve is so tiny my options for her are pretty limited, but that didn't stop me from browsing through site after site and oohing and ahhing over what I found. As usual my favorites are fairly unaffordable for the average mom, but we can dream can’t we?! Don’t worry; my pragmatic nature dictated that I find some reasonably priced options as well. With these beauties, you will want your little girl to wear them more than once. Anyone up for hosting a mommy and daughter afternoon tea? :)

All from J. Crew's children's line, Crew Cuts
I know the prices are a bit ridiculous but I love mini grown up styles and no one does it better than J. Crew.

For the more traditional mama, you gotta love Target.  Cute dresses and even cuter prices!

Macy's isn't the first place I think of for kid's clothes, but this polka dot number is just delightful! $17.99 from $30.00.

Children's Place is hit or miss for me.  Sometimes it's super cute...other times it looks cheap.  But I am in love with these dresses.  The prep and the flapper.  So sweet.
Pleated dress.  $15.00.  Tiered dress.  $15.00.

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