I could have used the word loot, or spoils, or treasures, or finds...but booty is so much more fun to say isn't it? Recently my mom gave me maybe the best gift I've gotten all year (wait a minute; it's only January--most definitely the best gift I've gotten all year). A day to myself. Thank you mama! I started it with a trip to Hobby Lobby. Usually when I go, I have two children in tow and it's just not the same experience I had last week. The one of wondering the aisles somewhat aimlessly. Getting ideas for future projects. Leisurely looking through the clearance aisle, completely lost in thought. It was amazing. You know what else is amazing? The things you take for granted before you have kids! I never would have thought I'd appreciate a trip to store quite so much! Anyway, I was so excited about what I snagged and even more--the prices at which I snagged these items--that I wanted to share.
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I'm over on Tall Snob today with a Pinterest inspired outfit. I love Pinterest for so many reasons--chief among them, it helps me mix and match my wardrobe in ways I may not have thought of before. But I have to admit, sometimes I see something there that I wouldn't necessarily buy (and isn't already inhabiting my closet) and then it looks so good on that girl, that I become obsessed with finding an affordable lookalike. That's how it was with my basil pesto cords. (Check out this post to see the pinned outfit and my lookalike purchase). Anyway, I've been dying--yes literally dying-- for a pair of gray jeans for like ever and when I saw the pair I featured below, I immediately thought of this pinned image and went for it. Oh and now you know my secret. You have to pinkie swear that every time I wear something cute (which is soooo often ;) you won't think I copied the look from Pinterest. Thank you.
Nadia's new blocks came in a little muslin bag that didn't close. Really, Wonder toys? You couldn't have added a little piece of Velcro? I needed to think of something to keep them in. I love the look of her blocks and figured something clear would be cute. Though I have about 50 glass vessels of some sort, glass isn't the best idea for a nursery. (Can I still call it that even though she's 16 months, climbing, running, and talking?!). Well when looking around the house I came across an old animal cracker container I'd saved. It was a good size and I figured I could use it for something down the road.
Or really, in my case, toddler room art. I've been slowly chugging along in re-decorating Genevieve's toddler room. It's been sloooooow going but I feel like I'm FINALLY making some good progress. As for an update:
I'm not gonna lie; I'm pretty proud of this post over on Tall Snob today. I know I sound like a stalker but it was totally inspired by her. Check out the full post here.
Look 1: bright hot.
Look # 2: pretty In pink.
Look #3: crazy cool.
To see the full post and for sources, visit Tall Snob. Items featured come in both tall and regular sizes. And bonus: They start at just $7! Say what?!
Linking with Hey! That's Pin-tastic:
I pinned this almost a year ago.
And while I loved the idea of making a hat out of an old sweater, I thought to myself, who has sweaters lying around that are not cute enough to wear but cute enough to cut up and turn into something else cute? Then I ruined just such a sweater in the wash. I still don't know what happened. It went in sunny yellow and came out with weird dark spots all over it. Whatever. I'd never been so pumped to ruin a perfectly good article of clothing. Because now I could make an adorable knit cap.
And make a cap, I did. I'm sorry for the gross cell phone picture of the "before," but as is often the case with my DIY, on a whim I grabbed the sweater and scissors and just started hacking the thing up without consideration for staging for a blog post. My bad.
I usually don't post photos of myself unless it's part of a family shoot...but I've mentioned how obsessed I am withNYC Pretty lately right? I just discovered this blog and I can't even handle her beauty, amazing fashion, awesome photography, and short and sweet posts (anyone else's reading list too long to even dream of finishing?). Well my mom and I did a snowy photoshoot the other day and I was trying my hardest to channel Christine. Let me pause here to say I'm not half the model she is, but I tried. And my mom worked the camera for sure. Here we go:
I have to say I'm proud of these pictures of my mom. She makes it easy- she shines. But I feel like I captured her joy, youthful spirit, and of course her beauty in these photos:
Looking at this photo almost makes me forget I don't like cold weather!
Clearly I like to laugh. And I can't keep my eyes open when I do.
I am IN LOVE with this sweater. I wear it like every other day. Shh. Don't tell.
Being silly.
I have to say I'm proud of these pictures of my mom. She makes it easy- she shines. But I feel like I captured her joy, youthful spirit, and of course her beauty in these photos:
What a dream come true! HWTM was the very first party blog I began following and gleaning ideas and inspiration from so I couldn't be more thrilled that they deemed Nadia's party special enough to feature today! See the full feature here and if you're new to the blog and would like to see party details, all related links are at the end of this post.
If you'd like to see details from Nadia's party, check out these posts:
Well my week is made! Hope yours is amazing too!
I posted the tiniest sneak peek known to mankind a few weeks ago. Is it weird that I feel guilty about that? Let's just say I was making up for the 1200 posts I did on Nadia's party. Not that you didn't enjoy every last one of them. ;) So here are a few more details of my baby's 3rd Birthday Party! And this time there will only be two posts--this one featuring the dessert (because let's face it; that's my favorite part!) and one more featuring, well, the rest. So here goes!
the big picture:
The menu consisted of: