Genevieve's Year 2 Book + A Cry for Help!
11:59 AMJust thought I'd share my latest Shutterfly Creation. I'm totally behind in making the girls' books. I made Nadia's baby book and Genevieve's baby book (via How Fast Time Flies), and that's it. I honestly don't think it's realistic for me to try to make one per year per kid but I'd love to at least do their first few years and then switch to just including their photos in a family year book.
Do you make family yearbooks? I take so many pictures that's it's really hard to boil down an entire year into one book, so we'll see how/when/if that will happen! For now it's a bit random. I made a Father's Day book for Joe that I loved, a book of these family photos, a book of Nadia's month by month photos, and a random one of a few pictures of her. I totally need a more organized approach!
That said, at least I'm doing something with my pictures. That will be a huge goal for 2014. I have way too many images just sitting on my computer. Anyway that was just a brain dump of my photography organizational woes. But I'm happy to finish it off with this fun flashback of Genevieve from 1 to 2 years old!
Build your own high-quality photo books at By the way I got this book for 40% off + Free Shipping! Check here for both codes.
Help! If you have any tips for making books or organizing/displaying/using family photos, I'd love to hear them!