How Much Did We Really Save on the DIY Built-Ins? - Pretty Real

How Much Did We Really Save on the DIY Built-Ins?

10:59 PM

How Much Did We Really Save on the DIY Built-Ins?

I wanted to do a budget break down of the DIY built-ins for 3 reasons. 1- They were a lot of work and took a lot of time. I will never again question a quote from a carpenter. Beside time and materials, the knowledge someone has gained over time is so valuable! 2- They weren't cheap. So like, how much did we really save?! and 3- I kind of lost track on how much we actually spent. ha! I'll use this as an opportunity to get it all down and share it with you in the process! So here we go (I hope you sung that in your best AJR voice)

How Much Did We Really Save on the DIY Built-Ins?

For some background we discussed our plan to create a semi-DIY built-in here and here! First up, let' review our...

SemiHandmade Order:

How Much Did We Really Save on the DIY Built-Ins?

Total: 895.34

The next big expense was...

How Much Did We Really Save on the DIY Built-Ins?

Ikea Order:
How Much Did We Really Save on the DIY Built-Ins?

How Much Did We Really Save on the DIY Built-Ins?

How Much Did We Really Save on the DIY Built-Ins?

How Much Did We Really Save on the DIY Built-Ins?

Keep in mind we didn't buy the toe kicks or door fronts since we'd gotten those from Semihandmade. This number isn't exact but I can't find receipts- it was close. 
Total: $464

And then all the various components:

How Much Did We Really Save on the DIY Built-Ins?

Trim- $65 (16.39 each)
Wood for shelves (includes 1x12s ($40 ea), 1x2 and 1x3 trim pieces, and plywood- $200
Edge Glued Pine used as countertops $60
Paneling $250
Total: $575

Paint + Primer $85
Paint Supplies- $20
misc. 25
Total: $130

We already had the necessary tools which included a drill, nail gun, air compressor, level, sander, table saw, and chop saw.

How Much Did We Really Save on the DIY Built-Ins?

Grand Total: $2064

While this isn't a small number, it's quite a savings from paying a contractor/carpenter to build it. I didn't get quotes but my girlfriend who has a similar built-in paid over $6000. I have to say here, we are not professionals. Had we paid one, the quality would likely be better. This isn't about if a trade professional is worth it- he/she is! It's more about both what you want to spend and what you can afford to spend. Ok back to my friend's built-in. I'd guess hers is solid wood and her trim is nice and chunky. It's beautifully built! There is no paneling detail and fewer cabinets (hers has a fireplace in the middle). We paid the difference in weekends spent building and painting- lots of sweat equity and stress. But in the end, $6000-$7000 wasn't in the budget and not only did we gain desperately needed storage, we now have a beautiful centerpiece in the room. I can't say I'm eager to build another but after all is said and done, I feel like it was worth it. 

How Much Did We Really Save on the DIY Built-Ins?

Sources all listed here.

What about you? Do you DIY to save cash or are you more the B-U-Y type?

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  1. I would definitely be the buy kind, but my husband does an awesome job with the DIY. It just takes SO long. LOL! It does save money and he always does a great job!!

  2. I would definitely be the buy kind, but my husband does an awesome job with the DIY. It just takes SO long. LOL! It does save money and he always does a great job!!

  3. I would definitely be the buy kind, but my husband does an awesome job with the DIY. It just takes SO long. LOL! It does save money and he always does a great job!!

  4. We did our own pantry build out which did save us a ton of money. We were quoted $4500 for one and it didn't even look like what we talked about. I could never get another phone call about it. We looked at stock cabinets but still would have had to do some diy so in the end we did it all. We learned a lot (it's also still not finished 6 months later because it needs trim). I plan to do some built ins in the office. I don't want to build from scratch and thinking of doing the ikea route with custom doors. Then I want to do a built in like this in our basement down the road.

    1. I love the semi-DIY approach! Less work but still feels custom.

  5. aw well that's great that he can do it!

  6. What color did you paint the built ins?

  7. how did you do the panels in the back? I love that touch, also this looks amazing!

