This is Love. - Pretty Real

This is Love.

8:47 PM

I don't know when and if I'll be comfortable posting details about everything we've gone through with my husband's health over the last week and a half. It's amazing how everything can change in an instant.  For now I will say that on Friday we will receive an official diagnosis as to whether he does in fact have Cancer, if it is Lymphoma (which they suspect), and which type. This post isn't about that.  Well I suppose it sort of is.  But mostly it's about the absolute love we've seen pouring out as a result of that.  Quick tangent: I'm really tired of Christians dissing the church--as in the Body of Christ.  Yes we have our faults and are not above being lovingly challenged.  But if I read one more article detailing what Christians need to stop doing, I might throw my laptop across the room.  Oh wait, Nadia already did that.  Hence my lost family reunion photos catastrophe.  But I'm tangenting from my tangent.  Anyway, the church has its faults.  Last time I checked it was made up of a bunch of humans.  So yeah, there's that.  But the body of believers I belong to...I have no words to describe the love these people have for others.  Both inside the walls of the church and outside.  If I have ever hated on the church, these past few days have made me slap my own wrist, bite my own tongue, and question my messed up motives.  These people are the hands and feet of Christ.  If he was here on Earth, he'd be hugging me, crying with me, comforting me, healing me, helping me.  He's not. So they do it on his behalf.  Let me show you what love is:

6 women, 1 man, and 2 teens spending SIX hours cleaning your house from top to bottom.  As in all the dirty nooks and crannies.  It maybe made me wish I hadn't unsubscribed from fly lady emails but still.  so. awesome.

A friend bringing you a meal prepared, delicious from scratch muffins for breakfast the next morning, and crock pot meal ingredients for another day. But wait there's more.  This lovely girl brings all of the recipes printed and in sleeves.  Um, hello I heart Organizing.

A friend being willing to stand in line behind 40 hockey players to bring you Chipotle while you sit by your husband's side at the hospital.  (Don't worry they let her cut).

A friend bringing you the cupcakes your husband wanted at the restaurant a few days prior before he realized they were all out (boo Copper Door!). And then sitting with you in the hospital talking about deep spiritual stuff, kid's fashion and everything in between.

A friend sitting in the waiting room convincing you that you CAN in fact have/raise/care for three children without ending up in the fetal position locked in your closet.

A sister taking your 2 kids (along with 2 of her 3) ALL day.  Not just sitting them in front of the TV but taking them sledding, to the Y, watching movies, playing, feeding them dinner, having so much fun you tell your mom "watch Genevieve yell at me when I walk in the door because she doesn't want to leave."  Called it.

A mom watching your kids like daily as you run back and forth to the hospital and appointments. And quickly forgiving you when you snap at her for the stupidest reason in the universe (I'm SO sorry mom!)

A mom-in-law giving you a gift certificate to the spa so that you can pamper yourself during a tough time.  (Although I don't recommend a massage when you're dealing with an extreme trial. While nice in the moment, I'm pretty sure the minute I left, called to check on my kids, rushed to the hospital, and almost hit that poor pedestrian, the stress raced back to reunite with the muscles that had just been relieved of it).

A pastor coming to your house after a long day of work (at his other full time job) to pray for you the day he found out that you really need prayer.

Friends treating you to a delicious and fun dinner to distract you from what's to come. (Yay Copper Door!).

A friend sending you Ben & Jerry's ice-cream even though she lives 1000 miles away (I still have no idea how she did that. maybe sorcery?).

An acquaintance making homemade prayer/scripture cards for you and leaving them for you in the church's nursery.

A church coming to the rescue when the last thing you need to happen, happens.

A pastor and his wife sitting in the waiting room with you all day when they have less than 48 hours before a trip out of the county. 

So many things I can't even think to name but some I can: lots more meals, countless texts, emails, Facebook messages, offers to watch the girls, encouragement, worship song suggestions, check ins, phone calls, hugs, pats on the back, kisses, and general love being poured out on you at any given moment.

Thank you Lord for placing these angels in my life.  Thank YOU friends from work, church, family members, e-friends, ORU pals, friends from every phase and stage in life checking in to see how we are doing and how you can help.

Disclaimer: I feel like no matter what I'm going to miss something major someone did for me and they will read it and be like, WTF?  (ok, probably more like WTH?)  I'm sorry!  This list isn't exhaustive.  It's just what's on my heart currently after a long hot shower to relax (because people frown upon pregnant women drinking wine) during which I started out thanking God for how this trial would bring Him glory and ended up thinking about how much I was craving a Bratwurst with fresh bread.  and spicy mustard.  In other words, I'm not fully of sound mind after everything we've walked through these last few days AND being 15 weeks pregnant.  (So that's my excuse).  Thank you and I love YOU--yes YOU, the one I missed!

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  1. Still thinking about you guys! xo

  2. I want you to know that I went to my temple and prayed for your sweet family yesterday. XOX.

  3. We love you Tiffany, G-d is able to do more than we can ask or think. We are now seeing that manifest itself in our lives. I love your message. I am so glad you are seeing the hands and feet of Christ through the body of believers. From your post, I can sense that love all the way in NY. Teresa and Mae

  4. love you and praying for your whole fam, Tiff! Beautifully vulnerable and honoring and honest.

    1. thank you Jen! thanks for your prayers and encouragement! ♥

  5. Thank you so much for your encouraging transparency I recently found your blog and have taken so much from a number of posts - this one especially and your lesson/thoughts on contentment. I am walking through health relayed trials currently, and God has been showing me the same -- His immense and intentional love through the people He's given me, and that He truly does mean everything for our good, even when we cannot plainly see it. Please be encouraged as much as you've helped encourage me. God has gone before your family, and He is behind you. He is your strength and your husband's shield. There are no surprises for Him, and He's already worked it out (Romans 8:28). Praying for your family - SM.

    1. well I'm glad you found Taste{Full}. Your comment is SO encouraging and appreciated!!

  6. Hello Tiffany, This may be way longer than it should be, but having read your post and knowing exactly what you are going through (this is Maddy), I thought it might be helpful to share some of my thoughts on dealing with bad news, like cancer.......
    Your long discourse on all the love that has been poured out on you reminded me of our same experience when we got the "cancer" report. It was so overwhelming that Tom and I found ourselves crying when we received so many letters/cards in the mail from friends all over the country, not to mention all of the brothers and sisters from our church family. It was truly like it was Jesus himself letting us know how much He loves us!! And then there was all the help for things around the house which I could not deal with, and Tom was unable. Through it all, we sensed the grace, peace and love of God like no other time in our lives! The most amazing thing to me was that the truth of God's word became such a reality in our lives that it even made me excited to experience that. I know this may seem and sound strange, but it did happen. Tiffany, I need to say that I believe one of the keys to dealing with such a trial is to be grateful in all things. Now, you know that does not mean "for" the trial, but "in" the trial. Trust me, when you focus on all your blessings in your life and you begin to give thanks for those blessings, your "suffering" becomes more bearable. Now, you know the outcome of my husband's disease, but in your situation, I believe God still has a purpose for your husband and your family. You know the prayers that are going up on your behalf, mine included in those, and when I return to NH on Saturday (3/15), I would love to go spend some time with you just as an encouragement to you and your family. Love and prayers, Maddy

    1. Oh Maddy this brought tears to my eyes. You are so kind and wise and I'd LOVE to hear anything you have to say. Love you!

  7. Had no idea. Will be praying for your family.

  8. And yet, through everything you are going through you still inspire through your TRUTHFUL words..reading this made me thankful that god's true servants have shown you GOD. Proverbs 31 came to mind when I read are amazing tiffany, simply amazing! Thank you for sharing and shwoing us what is is to be human, a human who loves God and his people...continuing to keep your family in goodness and mercy follow you and your ALL the days of you families life! XOXOOXO..p.s. if the hospital would let me, i'd come there and take care of your hair...a litttle rinse in the bathroom sink, a lill blowdry and were done! :)

    1. Aw, thanks Rhonda! And the last line made me laugh! I WISH! This hair needs some TLC in a bad way! ha! Thanks for your prayers! Hope to get over to see you soon!

  9. Hi Tiffany, Not sure if you remember me, I worked w/ Joe at Fidelity til June 2008. I just want to tell you that I have added you and Joe in my prayers and am sending postive vibes as well as healing thoughts to you and Joe. (Hi Joe!!). Stay focused and positive. You both are very strong and you both will come out on top!!!! Sending hugs!!!

  10. If anyone deserves all this love and support it is you, Joe and your family. You are such good people and I will continue to pray for good health for all of you. Wishing you all the best, thanks for sharing beautifully written as always.

    1. Mary thanks for your constant support! I appreciate your e-friendship! ;) xo!

  11. Thinking of you and your family. I read your post on the train this morning and got all teary. I wish I could bring you that bratwurst you're craving and speaking of wine, a teeny tiny glass wouldn't hurt :)

    1. Aw Jenna I hope I didn't make you mess up your mascara! ;) Thanks for your kind words. And don't tempt me on the wine! ;)

  12. Tiffany,
    Though I do not know you personally, my sister in law has spoken so much about you that I feel I do! I want you to know we are praying for you here in texas, and that you are very loved, as is your family.

    1. Thank you so much Amanda! It means so much to me that people from all over are praying for us! Thanks for the note!

