Please Welcome... - Pretty Real

Please Welcome...

10:21 AM

Nadia. Sophie. DeLangie.
8 lbs 9 ounces.
21 1/2 inches.
Arrived at 4:29 am.

A few random facts (I'll spare you the play by play):
  • Nadia is named after Joe's nana, Nadia.  She's from Italy (moved to the US after marrying his grandpa) but the name is Russian and means "Hope."
  • Sophie means "wisdom" and was on my names list (well as Sophia) when Joe and I got married in 2004.  However it is now (or maybe it was then and I just didn't know it?) VERY popular so I never wanted to use it as a first name....but never stopped loving it!  I love the shortened version even more.
  • I literally pushed Nadia out in 3 pushes.  Totally made up for the 2 hours and 38 minutes it took to push Genevieve out.
  • It was also completely in keeping with the entire delivery.  Contractions started (or at least I started noticing them) at 10ish pm.  It went like this [on phone with mom] "I think I'm having contractions...but it feels different than it did with Genevieve.  Am I the only woman in the world who has a baby and still doesn't know what contractions feel like?!"  Mom:  "Honey why don't we start paying attention to the time.  And call your husband"  This was at 10:09 pm. I was at the hospital by 1 am and had her at 4:29 am.
  • If she hadn't come on her own, I would have been induced on Joe's birthday, September 7th.  Instead she came on my brother's birthday.  She was also just 4 1/2 hours shy of being born on her namesake's birthday (yes there are tons of September birthdays in my family and Joe's).
  • This labor was completely opposite of Genevieve's.  It was still hard (please note: "fast" does not equal "easy." ;) I've never felt so much pain.  Ever.  BUT it was totally worth it to only have to push for 10 minutes.  No denying that part was easy!!
  • Nadia looks very much like her sister Genevieve.  It's honestly quicker to try to find differences than it is similarities.  One major difference- her adorable, raspy cry.  If you can love a cry, I love this one.
I am totally in love with my two girls.  I'm still sleep deprived and overwhelmed at times.  But I'm also in awe of God's grace and bless me with a second miracle.  "Hope," is very fitting.  Welcome to our world, little Nadia.  We love you more than you will ever imagine.

Thanks to all of you for your prayers and well wishes!!

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