There's an App for That - Pretty Real

There's an App for That

8:58 AM

As I fully embrace being a SAHM, I’m realizing I need help!  Not mental help—at least not yet ;) but organizational help.  I am just not naturally organized.  I don’t mind cleaning (I mean it doesn’t compare to shopping but it’s not torture either) but I am in such a rush and get so overwhelmed with what needs to be done that I end up constantly surface cleaning and even that is spotty.  Not to give the impression that I’m a dirty person…I’m really not!  That’s what’s so frustrating.  Before I can relax I have to at least straighten up or my brain can’t function; but between the busy-ness of life and the clutter…it’s just too much at times.  Especially while working full time (though I have a hunch that it won’t be much easier with an infant and a 2 year old but a gal can hope can’t she?!) 

Anywho, I figured there must be an app for that.  I searched and found the Momo-Motivated Moms app.  Now I don’t think this is my answer necessarily but it’s a start.  Every day there is lists of tasks- they range from everyday tasks such as clean the kitchen sink (which really is very clever since you can't clean the sink without first emptying it.  And you can’t empty it if the dishwasher is full.  You little smart app, you) to weekly or even monthly tasks like defrost and inventory the freezer, or de-clutter your desk.  Since I love checking things off of a list it really motivates me to squeeze tasks in here and there.  I also like that the tasks are manageable- rather than "clean the bathroom" it will tell you to "wipe the bathroom sink,"  so you can do a little at a time.  I’ve been using it for a few days and already my house seems a bit less messy.  Now, with that said come its flaws.  First of all, it’s $10.00 per year.  This to me is a bit much for an app!  I am using the “lite" version which is free but is only a trial version.  I’m not sure I’m prepared to pay $10.00 for an app so I will probably try other cheaper or free housekeeping apps before settling on this one (anyone heard of or use the Home Routines app?).  Also, it seems like it would be impossible to get all the tasks done in one day unless you don’t have a life (or at least don’t have a job or kids!).  I typically do what I can and then I’ll go back to previous days and mark tasks off as I complete them later. Also, you can't prioritize tasks or add tasks.  Nor can you hide a task on one day- only on every date.  However, even with it's flaws, it’s a start.  And if it was free (or less expensive), I'd for sure continue using it as I kept researching other options.

 Stay tuned for 2 other apps I’m finding super useful right now.  I’ll give you a hint of what they are—one will help me get back into my skinny jeans and one will help me remember to feed the baby. ;) 

Your turn: any apps that you can’t live without? They don’t necessarily have to be related to housekeeping!  Do share!

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