Featured! - Pretty Real


7:00 AM

Adorable Book Themed 2nd  Birthday Party
I'm a new reader to Pizzazzerie but I love the site and some of my favorite bloggers/party planners have had work featured on it.  If you need a fresh party planning resource, this is it!  So you can imagine my delight to have Nadia's party featured there!  I'm so thrilled and honored!  Check out the full feature here (and since I haven't blogged the whole party just yet, you'll see some "new" details)!

Oh and Nadia's nursery was on Disney Baby Blog a few days ago.  See that post/slideshow here.  It includes some awesome thrifted nurseries and fun blogs to boot.  And I honestly didn't realize how cool that blog has become.  I've visited it when searching online but never frequented it.  Until now!

It's been a good week!

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