Gymboree Sale Alert - Pretty Real

Gymboree Sale Alert

8:16 AM

So I successfully avoided Gymboree this weekend for fear of going crazy and spending tons of money on oh so cute dresses that miss Genevieve would only wear once or twice. But I visited the site this morning "just to see what they have" and somehow could justify my purchases--it went something like this...

a) Genevieve is past the point where she has tons of clothes from gifts and grandmas. Dare I say she actually "needed" a few dresses for church?!

b) The prices were fantastic...not mindblowing (has to be under $10 to fall in that category for me), but still great!

c) New baby is a girl--can we say "hand me downs"?!

d) Who cares, it's all SO cute!!! (hey, just keepin it real)...

Check out what I purchased--all items were 12.99. This purchase would have rung up at a whopping $154.75 + S&H but I only paid about 40% of that. Plus I can return to the store so if I have buyers' remorse I can remedy it with a quick trip to the mall!!

Man, I love a good sale!! Head to the nearest store or now!!!

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