Toddler Room Glimpse. - Pretty Real

Toddler Room Glimpse.

4:25 PM

I promised here that I would start sharing glimpses of Genevieve's toddler room.  Mainly because it's taking forever and I think it's one of the those re-dos that won't be completely finished until we move! So I bring you, her bed:

So of course I wanted to create some pretty "Sweet Dreams" chalk art above her bed before photographing it.  And I just realized I forgot to add her adorable stuffed elephant.  But in my life seeking perfection seems to be the enemy of progress (yes, I just made that awesome wisdom up) so for now, I settled for "at least I made the freakin bed."
I mentioned trying to find suitable toddler bedding in this post.  And I told you here  that I bought this set but pictured the reverse side in all its purple cupcake glory.  So now you know I wasn't lying.  It works.

Comforter from here. Pillows from Target, Hobby Lobby, Festive Home Decor (on etsy), and Christmas Tree Shop. The pillows were really affordable! All but one of them was under $7!

I LOVE this nightstand and love that I didn't have to paint it!  It was already this adorable vibrant pink when I found it at OPUS.  I paid full price and didn't even blink.  That's how much I wanted it. The blue locker bin is from Target.

Ok remember that perfection thing?  I didn't "style" her table either.  I knew I'd lose the light in her room and have to put off pictures till another day.  The lamp is a lucky HG find.  I wanted an elephant lamp but apparently Jonathan Adler is a big deal or something (Why else is he allowed to charge $395 for a lamp?!).  This modern Pearhead elephant bank is from HG also but there are other (equally adorable) variations of it and other animals here

Anyway, Here's what I'd like to do in this little bed nook:

Choose a fabric and make a bed skirt:
What do you think of these choices? Multi Color Elephant {via}.  Chevron {via}. Grey elephants {via}. Tiny elephants {via}.

I'd love to add one more pillow (because four isn't enough).  
I bought a yellow and natural chevron number that I pictured here, but it didn't really work.  I was sad because it's adorable and was really inexpensive.  But the bright side is, I'm keeping it.  It's too cute and too inexpensive to return.  Side note: I laugh at myself when I return something of little value, as I'm walking out of the store having spent waaaay more than the $5 I got back.  Well played Hobby Lobby. Well played.  I digress. I'd like to find another yellow pillow and thought one with a word or an initial would add a nice personal touch.  This one is perfect but at $42 slightly (ok, a lot) out of my budget.  I'm wondering if I could make (or find) a simple yellow pillow and add a word or silhouette to it like this one pictured above.  What do you think?

Replace the blue bin in the nightstand.

While I always attempt to mix old/vintage with new/modern, I'm not digging the vintage nightstand with the modern "locker" type bin.  That bin is cute but a perfect example of me buying something because it was 70% off. (Who's with me?).  I love these numbered bins from Land of Nod.  I'm considering a DIY version, but at $12.95, it might be worth purchasing--you know, during a "free shipping on any purchase" deal...which rarely happens with Land of Nod.  Hmm. Maybe I just made up my mind.

Add a large photo of Genevieve over her bed.  As an adult, I'd never put a huge picture of myself in my room but for some reason I think it looks adorable in a child's room.  

A little before and after action:
It's amazing how much my style has changed! I still love bright colors but definitely went for a lighter, airy-er (I know that's not a word), and more modern feel.
This corner is where her bed is now.  Not taken from the same angle; but you get the point.
And that's where things stand.  I'm sort of finished this area, for now.  But these to-dos are on the list to kind of polish everything up.  I have bigger fish to fry before I get to these items (like paint the knob I finally found for her dresser and attach it, organize her bookshelf, and hang her drapes), but this is a good start. And I hope by me sharing the process you're encouraged and inspired.  I know we all look at big blogs with before and after pictures and wonder if it's really that easy. Well probably if you have a lot of time, a lot of cash, and blog/design as a full time job (or some combination of the three), it is that easy (please don't  mistake this as me hatin because I LOVE those blogs and am honestly thankful for the inspiration and many resources they provide).  But for the rest of us, it seems like a room re-do is a process and one that seems to take some time.  Or maybe this is all just me trying to justify why I first posted about re-doing Genevieve's room almost TWO years ago!  Be nice and let me think it's the former explanation.  Please? 

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  1. I love it! I think I want the blackish pillow with the little poms for myself! I love the colorful elephant print and the small elephant print best, but you can't go wrong with any of them. Love it all! The side table is perfect! If I had a girl, I would totally add in the slightly vintage/slightly more shabby chic elements the way you did. Very subtle and pretty!

    1. Thanks Jessica! That pillow was like $6 at Target! Love it when that happens! And my curse is loving old and new. I find it difficult to mix them sometimes but I'm liking how this one is coming together! Can't wait to see B's painted side table! :)

